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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I didn't realize how few posts I have been putting on this blog. I just today took a look at the number of posts I have put on here which you find to the right --> of this column. I guess if this blog is published in the Church bulletin and our website I should get on this more frequently.

I guess my only excuse is that it has been a busy few weeks in the RE & RCIA departments. This year, for some reason, has been a difficult one for the RE department. We have had many teacher absences and registration has been kind of a mess due to many late registrations - don't get me wrong we are happy to have people in RE, but it is very difficult for our record-keeping and organization when people keep coming to classes late. It throws off all of our records, budget and materials. It has just been very busy that is all.

For RCIA, I am encouraging the adult catechists to engage more teaching activity this year. It is a real blessing to allow people to think about a given topic and observe them teach on it. It gives someone a chance to think about a given doctrine of the Church in a different way. Its one thing to hear about a teaching of the Church, its another to think about it, but it is another still to try to teach it to others in a concise and personal way. If you have never been to the RCIA, then please feel encouraged to visit sometime. If you have, then please let me know what you thought by posting a comment on this blog (below).

At any rate, I love this job. I love teaching the Holy Catholic Faith. There is so much to know and the more you know the more exciting it is to know Jesus the Son of God established this Church to fulfill not only our emotions and our hearts but also our intellect.

The funny thing about emotions is that they change so rapidly, no clearer is this seen than in teenagers. And, as one professor of mine put it, the Faith "doesn't give a fig about how you feel in the morning." This is what I think is pretty cool. The Catholic Faith will never change and does not adjust to our feelings or whims. We must allow our emotions to be satisfied in knowing the stability and the solidity of the Teachings of Jesus Christ. Even if sometimes this means we have to overcome emotion to understand why a teaching is proposed by the Holy Spirit through the Catholic Church for all humanity.

1 comment:

Jon said...

From someone who goes to RCIA every week and is watching someone grow, and also being that persons sponsor, I still cant beleive the beauty of this program. Through this program, I myself, Found Christ. I learned about him, I fell in love for the teachings of the Catholic church and every single thing She has to offer. I came to realize that in this crazy world there is something unchanging. There is something I can out my all into and I can get it all back,ten fold. To sit and hear the techings, and the lessons we learn in RCIA I gain so much knowledge, I could not imagine from the directors point of viwe, how amazing it is to sit back and listen to someone teach the class, and have the oppourtunity to learn also. Teaching is a great way of learning,I jave learned this in my RE class I teach, but I think that being able to listen, take in, and mentally toss around ideas is an amazing gift which everyone should be able to receive. The program is great Tomas. It really is. I do not know how many ties you hear that, but it deserves to be said again and again. The work that this program along with the Holy Spirit does is such a valuable tool for people wanting to come into the Church. I hope that the words of encouragement, The words of personal groth because of the RCIA, help re inforce the fact that this is an honest, God given program. Continue wih the work of the Lord, being his hands in this world which to incredible misfortune are rarely seen anymore.