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All posts are meant for discussion, opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Catholic Church or St. Jude.

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Friday, October 31, 2008

If you will excuse me Mr. Buchanan...

I have always liked some of the thoughts of Patrick J. Buchanan, though I have heard some who find him "ridiculous" in various ways - as I think I posted before, there are some who find him anti-semitic. Nevertheless, there are some thoughts that are worth discussing of Mr. Buchanan. Well, a friend pointed this out to me on Mr. Buchanan's website. I have been quoting this lately, and I am glad to have found the Youtube video for it. If you will excuse me Mr. Buchanan, I am going to post this video as seen on his website, because I think it is interestingly appropriate for how many people are feeling (though this, again, may not be appropriate for children):

The clip comes from the movie "Network," which is quite an interesting movie. While there is some sexuality, and quite a lot of bad language (as I remember it), there is however an interesting prophetic quality to the movie where the TV network will do whatever it can for ratings - including creating news... can you think of a time in history when this might have happened? I just find it interesting that is all.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

If you have a spare hour...

This is something worth watching about...

False promises and "We The People"...

...wasting our tax dollars...

...Government saving us from Nature...

...the "Farce of Campaign finance"...

...and farm subsidies...

...and who is really behind the Government?

Please comment on Mr. Stossel's presentation, I would really be interested to hear what everybody has to say on this.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Heh heh...

For those who remember the good ole days... (WARNING: there is one word bleeped out! Please be aware for the kids!)...

Monday, October 20, 2008


This from "The Southern Avenger" whom I have found to bring forth wisdom on other occasions, such as pointing out the uniqueness and significance of Ron Paul in the Republican primaries:

What to make of it...?

There are many positions being put forward in this election, neither of the two major parties - what some have termed the "duopoly" - necessarily encompass the Catholic Church's teachings and, hopefully, the Faith in them which all of us Catholics hold.

Nevertheless, many other positions remain beyond the two party system - one of the reasons I continue to advocate that as Catholics we should be abreast of all parties and their positions to come to a more informed decision for whom to vote.

However, a friend of mine sent me this article: On Global Democracy. I do not disagree for the most part with the explained problems of American Democracy, as such. I do take issue with the anti-semitic, anti-protestant and anti-jewish position found towards the end in only one paragraph. I do not think that exclusion from the society is the answer for anyone.

Nevertheless, it is historically clear that Freemasonry in particular has had its hands, since its inception, in the destruction of the Catholic influence in the world and the removal of Christ as our Societal King. The question is: are we aware of Christ as our King? Is he? Do we understand the joy, the peace, the eternal life and the cross that He invites us to live in our lives? This is the most immediate question that should be answered BEFOREwe go to vote this election! For from this reality comes every other position we will hold. Moreover, it should inform and be the basis of our position on any other issue that exists and is to be voted on. We CAN NOT allow ourselves to be duped into the two-party duopoly and merely vote because of partisanship (in spite of my affinity for Rush Limbaugh's radio show). We must vote, as Archbishop Chaput notes, with our Catholic Faith realizing "the Catholic Faith is always personal, but never private."

Friday, October 17, 2008

WOW! Perhaps, we are still living in a democratic republic..

So it appears that C-span will be presenting a debate with all six of the Presidential Candidates on Sunday. If we are going to be educated on all the positions of every potential candidate, then I would highly encourage everyone to watch this debate. The Link to the story I was sent is here below:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Aren't they supposed to investigate...?

This video was posted over at MSNBC, though it comes from the History Channel. I have actually had the History Channel send me a pack of videos that were, as their telemarketer told me, "great for RCIA classes." However, as I wrote them in a letter, once I had watched their content, if I were to show those videos to aspiring Catholics, then both them and I would soon be leaving the Catholic Church if we believed what they had presented. But what I wish is that these people who are putting together these videos about Catholic things would at least do some research about what they are talking about.

Again, as has been my experience, the guy in this video above begins by saying the people "worship" Saint Gennaro. Any numbskull could go to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and find the direct teaching that we do not worship the Saints as people, whether we Worship God alone, who seeks to work in every human being:

By canonizing some of the faithful, i.e., by solemnly proclaiming that they practiced heroic virtue and lived in fidelity to God's grace, the Church recognizes the power of the Spirit of holiness within her and sustains the hope of believers by proposing the saints to them as models and intercessors. "The saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult moments in the Church's history." Indeed, "holiness is the hidden source and infallible measure of her apostolic activity and missionary zeal." (CCC #828)

What I can't understand is that people like this are paid to be investigative journalists, to do research and report the truth, yet they rely on a faulty understanding of what actually happens in the Catholic Church! These are the same type of people we are supposed to believe and trust to explain to us the candidates and their stances on the issues? Good luck America!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Perhaps, its not as bad as we think...

Check out this article about a recent poll taken by the Knights of Columbus. Perhaps we Catholics are becoming more united than the media would have us believe, 106 year old nuns notwithstanding...

What do you make of this?

Watch CBS Videos Online

Its unfortunate that the nun in this video is shown to be a Catholic. At 106 she is doing a great service to our country by voting and excercising her right to vote, however, what she apparently is not aware of is that she is supporting a man who would have many infants, our pre-born human brothers and sisters, murdered in their mother's womb, and if they happen to survive an attempted murder (aka a botched abortion), then Sen. Obama would have that child murdered outside the womb to protect the "right to choose" to murder an innocent child. Moreover, she is supporting the ticket that also has a vice-presidential candidate who would distort St. Thomas Aquinas in order forward his political career.

Mind you, John Mccain apparently is also a big supporter of the UN that continues to propagate abortions throughout the world.

The unfortunate thing is that many people will see this Nun's witness and think it is fine for Catholics to vote for one who propagates socialist redistribution of wealth, which is directly against the Encyclical Quadregismo Anno, and one who holds view decidedly anti-life. Perhaps, the so-called "mainstreme news media" in Rome is also promoting Sen. Obama by not explaining his positions just as they are not here in America. What is your thought?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Do you know what it all means?

So here is something a friend sent me:

If you are not familiar with the idea of the New World Order, it may be useful to Google "New World Order" since things are afoot in our country, which no one seems to be able to explain. The notion of a one world government is nothing new, but one that many are not too familiar with. In fact, some people, known as conspiracy theorists actually point to the Catholic Church, which causes some confusion. The Church does not promote any conspiracy, and in fact, as recent as this last year, when the Holy Father visited the UN he called for the sovereignty of states to be guarded, naming it the "the responsibility to protect."

I pray that our country will not be subjected to a depression, but it sure sounds it is a possibility. I am not an economist, but I have been trying to learn about this stuff. This, in fact, was one of the reasons I have leaned more to Dr. Ron Paul, who is also an accomplished Economist. For some reason no one listened to him, but he has been appearing more frequently on many shows.

May God bless America...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It appears a new project has begun, which seems to be quite good. I WILL be buying this for the parish, even if it must wait until next year. I would encourage all people of good will to donate and promote this, why? Not because you are being forced into becoming Catholic, though I think you should consider becoming Catholic, but more importantly the Truth must be told. For so long, as with the present election in our country, half-truths and deceptions are being promoted as "how or why it happened." It is important that this priest has the opportunity to explain the Catholic Faith from the Church's own history and from her own historical addition. Consider Fr. Barron's video that promotes his "Catholicism Project":

It is important for all of us, believers and those who want to know the truth, to allow this story to be told. If you can't provide money, then please provide prayers, for those who are so inclined to such things.

After having the chance to explore Fr. Barron's website, I found it quite moving his sincerity and his command of understanding various things from the perspective of the Church. Especially his response to the comedian, Bill Maher, who has recently put out a new film called "Religulous." We need more clergy, and even more lay people, to comprehend the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus proclaimed so long ago, but which is present today here and now.

In fact, here is Fr. Barron's refute of the attacks of Mr. Maher:

Judge for yourself how good would his series "The Catholicism Project" be.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Last Acceptable Prejudice

There are so many things about which the world is willing to be politically correct. But, big surprise, this doesn't include the Holy Catholic Church. Thank you to who posted this interesting article. I hope every Catholic is moved to pray for those who desecrate our Blessed Lord in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Proud to be a Baron Alumnus!

I love my Franciscan University Education! I had someone here at the parish tell me the first week I was here that this person was worried about "how conservative Franciscan University is becoming." The first problem with that is that one ought not to apply political monikers when we are talking about being a disciple of Jesus Christ. One can hold more liberal or conservative views on certain issues, but one ought to be substantially concerned with living for Christ our King.

Living for Christ our King. This is something we have so few people doing nowadays. Nevertheless, I am proud of my fellow Franciscan students who recently attended a rally put together by three "apparent" nuns and a few priests who hold that abortion is not a problem and one should therefore be able to vote for Obama, regardless of his position on Abortion. Why would they hold this? Well they cite Nicholas Cafardi who is the second Catholic legal scholar to endorse Sen. Obama. Who among other things thinks that our Republic is dead, insofar as those who believe abortion is wrong have lost the battle.

You may read about this happening on the Inside Catholic website here.

You can read about Mr. Cafardi's position from the National Catholic Distorter, er, Reporter. Here at this page.

What is most sad about this, perhaps, is that Mr. Cafardi and these nuns miss the point that if you don't agree with Mccain (or Bush), then Mr. Obama is not the only option for their vote. Again, I would offer to you, dear reader, that as Catholics we should not limit ourselves to the two-party duopoly, but if we are to truly effect change for Christ's Kingdom, then we should consider all the options for our vote. See the links below to some of the other parties being blacklisted by the Media.

As for me, I hope my Franciscan University Barons are doing well this year in sports, but more importantly I pray that the University continues its mission to form young people to love the Catholic Faith as a gift, and not as something that we can pick and choose elements of to best suit our exaltation of our self and our own opinions.