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All posts are meant for discussion, opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Catholic Church or St. Jude.

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Monday, April 28, 2008

The world MUST be peopled!

I was sent this by a friend. It is a trailer for a movie called "Demographic Winter." This is shocking, but not unforeseen... no matter who you are, dear reader, please comment on this:

What will become of the world?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How serious are you about your liberty?

I am still reeling from the impact of Ben Stein's movie! If you have not seen it, then please do yourself and humanity a favor and be informed by the opposite side of the Darwinist debate. I do not doubt that certain people will not buy into all that Mr. Stein is presenting, nevertheless, at least give it a hearing in the public discourse of our country.

The question becomes, as Mr. Stein points out, whether we desire for liberty to be expressed at all. If Intelligent Design, as a scientific theory can not even be heard, then how can we claim that we have freely OR SCIENTIFICALLY come to the truth?

The truth. It is such a solid and undisputable thing, yet many people seek to cover it up or to weigh it down in policies. I just came across a debate that I had never heard of, but which each of us Americans - and even those of you who are of my worldwide audience - should be aware. In Canada, a certain publisher has of late been subjected to "private interrogation" by a branch of his own government because someone apparently claimed he had committed a thought crime. Here is his position from the Glenn Beck program on CNN:

Mr. Levant has even, as you heard, had the wherewithal to videotape his experience. He placed these videos on the Internet on Youtube. Let us watch a few, they are not that long. Here is a beauty that begins the whole "interrogation." It is entitled "Opening Statement.":

Another example that makes the debate more clear is this one entitled "I don't answer to the state.":

While you may disagree with his presentation, the idea of freedom of speech should resonate with us Americans and us Catholics. As Christians, entrusted with the ancient fullness of the Christian Faith, we should not be afraid to be free in our speech, even if this means that we are persecuted because of our witness to the Gospel. As Americans, we should hold that liberty as sacrosanct in order that we citizens may be informed when government or big business is really acting in a dangerous or wasteful way. In the same vein, Mr. Levant should be lauded for upholding his inalienable right to offer his position in a public debate.

On the other hand, what you may not have noticed is that this whole post today is coming from one point of view, we have not heard the position of the Mohammedan gentleman who denounced Mr. Levant to the Human Rights Commission. In the same, way if your sense of fairness inspires you to want to look into the other side, I hope that you will also feel compelled to see "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed". For only in listening to this opposite side of this particular debate do we arrive more fully at the truth. As regards, Expelled the movie, I think any one who watches it will receive a deeper appreciation not only of a secular approach to the possiblity of a supreme being's existence (who Christian's know as the Holy Trinity), but also of the nature of this debate where free speech has been squashed.

Any thoughts?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Landing in a heap of trouble?

I did it. I went to see a documentary that, should we become a "sciencto-fascist state," will certainly be top on the list of the banned movies. I admit to it here, since I pray that the Lord allow me the grace to be a martyr should such a state every come to exist. In the meantime, this is seriuosly a great movie. My beloved wife and I saw it on Sunday evening. I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in the subject of Science and the role of Religion. Check out this supertrailer:

Having seen the movie, I have been entertaining the idea that I should send Ben Stein the Encyclical Fides et Ratio. It is odd to me that no one mentioned to him that there is a position, namely the Catholic one, that does not neglect either Evolution or Creationism but allows a certain reconciliation between the two by recognizing that Faith and Reason are not opposed to one another. In fact, it would seem that the Church is promoting precisely what Mr. Stein is after: that we seek the Truth without any preconceived notions.

The beautiful thing about the Catholic Faith is that even though as Catholics we propose to know Jesus Christ as all truth, we can always know him better. To this end, it is always beneficial to enter into dialogue with people such that the Truth will come to fore more clearly for all those involved.

I really hope any and all people who read this blog would take the time to go and watch this movie. I really enjoyed it!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Men in white

In the midst of the joy of welcoming our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, I am reminded as well of another "man" in white who fought evil in a little different way. Still, you gotta love those men in white who call it like it is and fight for what is right. Case in point:

and to finish the job watch this:

As you enjoy this, one of my favorite cartoons growing up - along with Hong Kong Phooey - remember the more important man in white in our own day, who fights evil with the charity of Christ. May the Lord Jesus bless Our Holy Father as he continues to shed God's grace on thee America!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Prayer for our Holy Father

I don't know if this is really from the Knights of Columbus, as I didn't take the time to check if this is from them (sorry) but it is a great prayer for the Safety of our Holy Father, please join me in praying:

Almighty Father, who pours forth blessings in
abundance upon us, we humbly pray that you
will inspire, guide and protect Pope Benedict
XVI on his pastoral visit to the United States.

Lord God, bless our Holy Father who comes as
a messenger of peace and charity to all people
of faith and good will. May his presence in the
United States serve to build up the bonds that
unite us who are each made in your image and
likeness, and may his teaching and witness
strengthen the faith of the People of God.

Father, we lovingly entrust Pope Benedict’s
visit to the care of Our Lady of Guadalupe,
Queen of the Americas. Through her prayers
may he be preserved from all harm, and may
he shine forth with the truth of the Gospel that
he proclaims, and may his presence among us
foster a renewal of the Church in our country.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why YES! He is MY Holy Father!

With great anticipation we Catholics look forward to the arrival of our foster-father while on this planet earth, the Pope. This 265th successor to the Apostle Peter is one incredible man, who has overcome many things in his life. Nevertheless, he has been chosen for us that we might entrust ourselves to his teaching which leads us closer to Christ. Here is his message to us and to all those who welcome him with good will:

Let us say together one of the traditional prayers for our Holy Father!

LET US PRAYER for our Pontiff Benedict.
The Lord preserve him, and give him life, and make him to be blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not up to the will of his enemies.
Our Father…, Hail Mary….

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ooooh... gurgle gurgle...

There is a showdown brewing... check this out:

I always liked Ben Stein. As I posted earlier, I am very interested in this movie. I found this clip on youtube and it adds to the growing excitement about what this movie will be in our secular society.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Very incredible things are afoot in our American Economy! You must SEE THIS VIDEO to know what is going on! Our nation could be in in great trouble!


What I was not aware of was that this is what is really going on. Thankfully it may not be as bad as it seems...