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Monday, April 28, 2008

The world MUST be peopled!

I was sent this by a friend. It is a trailer for a movie called "Demographic Winter." This is shocking, but not unforeseen... no matter who you are, dear reader, please comment on this:

What will become of the world?


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, this is very scary. We are all struggling to survive and not wanting to produce children that we can't provide great things for.....but maybe we are actually making the situation worse.

Director of RE & Adult Faith Formation said...

True, but perhaps it means that we have to sacrifice as parents for our children. Nothing is more important than life itself, and if we truly care for our children then we must place nothing temporal, except our spouse, above them. This is why the Catholic Church refers to the family as the "Domestic Church," since it is the cradle of human life.