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Thursday, March 20, 2008

How did the Darwin-ocracy do it?

If you are a parent of one of the students here at St. Jude, then hopefully you have had the opportunity to come to one of the parent orientation meetings at the beginning of the year where we watch a video entitled "The Religion of Secular Humanism: Clergy in the Classroom." The video is based on a book of the same name, written by Dr. David Noebel. If you are not, then I would recommend this video to you to make you aware, especially if you are an American, of the influences children will be facing in the future - children across the face of the planet earth.

Unfortunately, the video itself is focused more on proving that Secular Humanism is a religion and doesn't go too in depth about it precise teachings. Nevertheless, it is an important element to be aware of in state-run schools in America.

I always show the same video every year to help people to think about the extent to which we are forming our children in the Catholic Faith, not just by bringing them to classes, but also by assessing how their family is practicing their faith.

In addition to this video, there will, apparently soon be a feature length movie talking about this bias in the academic realm. Ben Stein, of "Win Ben Stein's Money" fame, apparently made this movie to expose the hidden agenda of many scientists and educators. Here is the link to the trailer.

The movie is called "Expelled" and though I do not know much more than what the trailer shows, and won't have time from today until next week (due to the awesome reality known as Holy Week) to research more about it, I think it calls to mind an important element of our modern society. What is the meaning of life? It is at the heart of every one of our existence's, whether we like it or not. No one of us can escape this question, because it leaves us indifferent to others and would ultimately allow us to become extremely lazy and also allow for violence of all sorts if we couldn't know the meaning of life.

For Catholics, of course, we know the meaning of life: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, for many people that is so repugnant that they feel like they would rather eat something very unpleasant than listen to someone talk about this Jesus character. Why they feel this way is as varied as there are humans.

Nevertheless, logically speaking, we know that there can only be one Truth to the question of "what is the meaning of life?" Truth by its very definition is one.

I look forward to this movie and will definitely be going to see it as soon as it comes out. It will definitely allow Americans and more broadly english speakers to engage in a discussion that needs to be engaged in: Why are some scientists becoming unjustly hostile to religion?

I don't know how the Darwinists have overrun the culture, but they have done it. Now it only remains for them to realize that if they truly believe in Social Darwinism, then perhaps it would be useful to note that while the True Religion has taken a back seat in modern American Culture it is still around and appears more vital in some ways then ever. Hmmm... perhaps a proper role of religion should be allowed for, rather than squelched since it is not going away - in spite of the Neo-darwinists best efforts.

What are your thoughts?


Jon said...

I think a good reason scientists have become so hostile twords religion is because the reality of Jesus' Life and passionare so real that they cannot diprove it with science. When Eucharistic miracles happen the church goes through extensive research to prove its validity before they announce it as a true miracle. In one of their studies of a miracle a scientist was trying to explain what the host had turned into and it had honestly turned into a piece of heart muscle. Human heart muscle. Science PROVED that it was human heart muscle and that the blood in the muscle was the same blood type the Jesus had. When science is challenged by something that will defeat it, they go against that thing whatever it may be and they do not even go near tryong to diprove it because Religion cannot be beat. Look at Padre Pio and his stigmata. The church did extensive testing on him trying to figure out just waht was going on before thay decided it was vaild, and let me say that the only reason they go through these tests is so that no one is mislead into beleiving something thats is not real. The blood that came from Padre Pio's wounds smelled like roses. When they did test on the wounds of Christ on his hands the wounds went straight through his hands. When something was placed over one side of the hole and they felt the other side there was suction, proving that the hole was all the way through. The wounds bled all day and he never suffered from the ailments associated with blood loss, and he never became sick or anything. How could science diprove that? They couldnt. I tihnk science is so against religion because it is true, and cant be proved with science, only by faith will the questions of Christ be answered and that scares them. Really bad

Anonymous said...

they cannot explain the things that we believe in . They cannot explain the meaning of life, or when it was created for the first time. Jesus has these answers and HE gave them to us and sadly we are still trying to find a scientifical answer. Faith, life, love are the answers. This is just my oppinion