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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Heh heh...

For those who remember the good ole days... (WARNING: there is one word bleeped out! Please be aware for the kids!)...


Keith L. Brown said...

The media censor seems to have his priorities mixed up. We were warned that there was going to be a vulgar reference to cow excrement, but there was no caution about the ensuing exclamation of "My God!". His second commandment explicitly forbids us to use any of the Trinity's names in vain. Why are you worried about human ears hearing bull----, and not worried about the Creator's ears hearing profane use of His name?

Mrs. O'Riordan said...

This video is brilliant! Many a true word is spoken in jest. How easily we forget that we have so much to be grateful for - great to be reminded of that. Thanks. - Mrs. Rene O'Rirodan