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All posts are meant for discussion, opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Catholic Church or St. Jude.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Take 18 minutes to watch this incredible video. You will definitely want to experience it all the way to the end. Why can we not have more priests like these spiritually beautiful monks? We need preists and laypeople who can truly take our Catholic Faith seriously. Too often we have allowed others to steamroll our own personal faith.

Listen to the sincerity and simplicity of these priests as they speak with this man who will not accept the love of Christ. Check out more information about them, and perhaps, just perhaps, if you are a young man, go and visit these incredible Christians who are living White Martyrdom! Visit their website at If your are married, or unable to go, at least let's try and start buying their cheese!


Anonymous said...

Once again Tomas you push for a return to the extraordinary form of worship. Parishes are thriving in Denver as we worship God within the liturgy of the reforms of Vatican II - why can't you accept the fact that the liturgy is not some antique piece we pull off the shelf. The Spirit moved the Council Fathers at Vatican II and continues in the Church today. Regrettablly, you seem to think that the ills of the Church would all go away if all we did was return to a language most do not know and a liturgy that does not speak to people of today.

Director of RE & Adult Faith Formation said...

Actually, I am not pushing for this at all. All I said, please re-read the text, is that these monks have a beautiful spirit about them in the desire to serve the Lord. I don't know where you see that I am "pushing" this? Anonymous, if you would like to sit down and discuss this sometime I would be more than happy. I do not think, as you accuse me, that the "liturgy is some antique piece we pull off the shelf." What I do think is that we have a Sacred Tradition in the Church and part of that Tradition is the organically derived Liturgy which has evolved in the Extraordinary form, even more, as Cardinal Ratzinger & now Pope Benedict XVI has pointed out, than the Liturgy of Pope Paul VI. Why do you accuse me of not believing that the Spirit moved in Vatican II, I, in fact, think Vatican II has borne some very seriously beautiful fruit, however, if you would do a little research, you would find anonymous that the Reform of the Mass was NOT even part of the council, but the work of a committee after the fact. Morever, where do you see that I think the ills of the Church would go away if "all we did was return to a langauage most do not know and a liturgy that does not speak to people of today?" I don't see that at all, nor do I believe that. Before you judge somebody, perhaps it might be useful to ask what they actually believe about such things. My position is not as simple as you constrain me to believe. Again, I would appreciate, Anonymous, if we might connect for a coffee some morning or perhaps a beer some afternoon in order to discuss what I do actually believe.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to Deacon Joel Paulsen?