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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

In all things charity

Perhaps there are more readers than I think. I have been asking myself if anyone from St. Jude has heard of this blog, as of yet? I keep asking myself, "Why put the time in to writing these things?"

Luckily, God is very merciful and good. I found an article in the beautifully written magazine First Things - that bastion of clear thinking and sound religiousness - which answered my questionings. Here is the basic jist given in an excerpt:

"As the presumed moderator of public discourse, [Vice President] Al Gore declares that the argument is over and his side has won. Writing in the Boston Globe, Ellen Goodman goes further, comparing global-warming skeptics with Holocaust deniers. They are not only ignorant, the are culpably ignorant. In fact, they are evil. One detects a growing pattern of refusing to engage in arguement by declaring that the argument is over. It is not only global warming. Raise a question about the adequacy of Darwinian theory, whether scientifically or philosophically, and be prepared to be informed the argument is over. Offer the evidence that many who once coped with same-sex desires have turned out, not without difficulty, to be happily married to persons of the opposite sex and you will be told politely - or, more likely, impolitely - that the argument is over."

It seems Mr. Gore has formed the opinion that he has the charism or gift of papal infallibility. Fortunately, for us Catholics, we know that Papal infallibility only applies to matters of faith and morals and NOT matters of science. As well, I hope most of us are aware that Al Gore is not the Pope.

What is one to make of all this with regards to my self-reflection on continuing this blog for St. Jude? Well, I essentially came to the conclusion that we cannot cease discussion in general. I want to have a place for parents and/or RCIA participants to pose questions and concerns about all that is happening here at St. Jude Catholic Parish in Lakewood CO. Unlike, ostensibly, Mr. Gore I cannot - nor, I might add, does Holy Mother Church want me to - assume that what I say is absolute truth. Certainly, I am just as fallible as Mr. Gore. However, presumably, I have good intentions in proposing all that I do to take place at St. Jude, whether in RCIA or in the Elementary Religious Educaiton program. This blog is not meant to be so much about me having a soapbox upon which to stand - though in some ways it is obviously that, rather it is more about keeping the line of communications open between myself, parents and RCIA participants.

Perhaps one might find a clearer insight into my thinking through the annals of this blog. Who knows? At any rate, I hope that at least Jon (my only known faithful reader) will find my humble musings of some use to growth in his spiritual life, but as well for any other reader who virtually appears.

For certainly, though global warming is debatable, the Spiritual life is as real as Jesus Christ having lived in this world - regardless of what you make of the question, "Who do you say that I am?"
By the way, the picture attached to this post is a sculpture located in a Church known affectionely by many Romans as "Il Gesu." It was the first Church utilized by St. Ignatius of Loyola in Rome. The image is of a woman, allegorically Religion, conquering hatred (above) and heresy (below). I think it is beautiful and reminds us of the the Truth of Jesus Christ.

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