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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Is this what our kids learn in school?

I was working on a presentation for this afternoon when a friend emailed me this link about a video called "Its Elementary." This is, apparently, a video used in schools to promote the homosexual agenda. I am seriously disturbed by it primarily because you can't imagine that this is the kind of social engineering passed off as education in a school. I sincerely hope that this is not taking place here in Colorado, let alone in Lakewood, specifically for the fact that school is not an appropriate place for children to be imposed such values on. I would definitely welcome any thoughts and/or discussion on this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this kind of stuff is going on here in Colorado. A couple of weeks ago there was controversy regarding a sex education talk given at Boulder High School. They had a panel of "experts" talk to the kids about sexuality, drugs, etc. A guy who is some sort of psychologist told the kids to go ahead and have sex and use drugs, just do so responsibly. The sex part he clarified - gay sex, hetero, multi-partner, whatever, experiment until you find what's right for you. Oh - and if your church is telling you it's wrong, THEY are wrong. You can check it out at 630 KHOW radio, at

Another reason my kids don't go to public school...