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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Man's Capacity for fun...

Today, while building a Powerpoint presentation for the first session of RCIA on "Man's Capacity for God." I had the notion to use a picture of Underdog. Part of the reason for this was my recent trip to Vancouver on a Frontier flight. Say what you will about Frontier Airlines, but I have to admit I was pretty pleased with the TV channel selection - main reason: Hong Kong Phooey on the Cartoon Network. [That link is the "Green Thumb" episode]

I loved cartoons like that were shown in the 80's. Does anyone reading here know what I am talking about? Underdog, Deputy Dawg, Snidely and Whiplash, Gummi Bears, Transformers, but most especially Hong Kong Phooey [that link is the theme song]. Such a great show, and primarily because there was no need for suggestive things of any sort. It was just plain ole fantastical entertainment - the phooeymobile? HA!

They just don't make cartoons like that anymore. I have tried to watch a couple with my son, who is only 2 1/2. We don't do it very often, but once in a while. Its seems like they are just too complicated. Maybe it is just me. I rarely watch TV to begin with anymore, but when I do I just want to relax and be entertained. Though, if I had cable, I think I might watch too much of these cartoons. I read somewhere that there are only 16 episodes of Hong Kong Phooey, so perhaps I should just buy the DVD collection.

Anyway, I think those old Hanna-Barbera cartoons, for the most part, always seemed so funny because they had a great sense of irony and fantasy all rolled into one. What was your favorite, if you had one?

By the way, I realize that neither Transformers or Gummi Bears were from Hanna-Barbera but I still loved those too... does anyone remember Marsupalami? If you liked those ole cartoons too you might be interested in this t-shirt website:

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