Thursday, March 27, 2008
Could the legalized discrimination be over?
WOW! How about this article? The United Kingdom may soon be decriminalizing the English Monarch from being a Catholic. This is fairly significant, to put it lightly.
It is unlikely that, if it were to be made law, that any monarch would convert anytime soon. Nevertheless, it would provide a significant reconciliation between the Church of England and the one holy Catholic and apostolic Church. In the unfortunate split over divorce and the sanctity of marriage many have been misled from the Catholic Faith, in spite of those who hold that Anglicanism is still a Catholic Faith - and those numbers apparently are not insignificant.
It has been said that the first of the modern heresies takes the form of "power comes from the people," which comes from the Protestant reformation mentality. As much as King Henry VIII (I am, I am...) sought to establish himself as the head of a Church, it is interesting to note that it was in fact a man trying to usurp the power of the Church.
There is a great little letter written by Pope Gelasius I called "Duo Quippe Sunt" it is, unfortunately, quite hard to find online. Nevertheless, he made clear that there Church is before the state, because while priests may bow to (i.e. serve) an earthly king, it is by obeying a priest that an earthly king bows to God, through whom he is provided salvation from sin.
Yet, poor King Henry VIII (I am, I am...) disregarded this because of the desires of his own heart - namely to divorce his wife for his mistress. While the Church did not cease to defend the dignity of Marriage, the Anglican revolutionaries rejected the Holy Father in order to form their own Church. Power was seen to be in the hands of the people to do this. BUT!... what if it wasn't? What if the English monarch had merely sought to do his own will and to reject the line of the Our Father that says "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"? Could it be that if such was the case, then perhaps legalizing a monarch to return to the Catholic Faith could cause a great blessing upon England to return to Christ and His Catholic Church in its fullness. Perhaps, one day, a monarch could reunite to Rome? Though, as I said, this doesn't seem likely any time soon - especially if the Masonic influence is as widespread as some would have us believe within the English Royal Family, but for others this is mere conspiracy theory. Nevertheless, it is clear the modern anti-Catholic Freemasonry began in England in 1717, which was subsequently condemned first by Pope Clement XII.
Well, regardless of any of this, let us pray that this movement of maturity and allowance of the basic human Freedom of Religion be re-allowed in England. For such would be a blessing for Holy Mother Church to re-establish herself with full freedom in Great Britain. Such would be a blessing upon Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, who would recognize the full dignity of her subjects. And, finally, it would allow the Pope to care for all those entrusted to his care in whatever role God calls them too in Great Britain. I'd say its win-win all the way around.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
O Sanctus Pater, requiescat in pax domini
We, of course, do not worship the Pope. However, we do hold him as our spiritual Father. Why, one may ask? Because Jesus tells us so. In fact, Jesus told us that he would "not leave us orphans" and that Peter would "strengthen his brethren" after he returned from his betrayal. In context, then, I love this little reflection on the Holy Father under whom most of us under 35 remember growing up under.
Nevertheless, may Christ richly bless us with the reign of Pope Benedict XVI, who ostensibly deeply loves the Church, may we learn to deeply love him as Christ's choice for our foster-father!
Nevertheless, may Christ richly bless us with the reign of Pope Benedict XVI, who ostensibly deeply loves the Church, may we learn to deeply love him as Christ's choice for our foster-father!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
How did the Darwin-ocracy do it?
If you are a parent of one of the students here at St. Jude, then hopefully you have had the opportunity to come to one of the parent orientation meetings at the beginning of the year where we watch a video entitled "The Religion of Secular Humanism: Clergy in the Classroom." The video is based on a book of the same name, written by Dr. David Noebel. If you are not, then I would recommend this video to you to make you aware, especially if you are an American, of the influences children will be facing in the future - children across the face of the planet earth.
Unfortunately, the video itself is focused more on proving that Secular Humanism is a religion and doesn't go too in depth about it precise teachings. Nevertheless, it is an important element to be aware of in state-run schools in America.
I always show the same video every year to help people to think about the extent to which we are forming our children in the Catholic Faith, not just by bringing them to classes, but also by assessing how their family is practicing their faith.
In addition to this video, there will, apparently soon be a feature length movie talking about this bias in the academic realm. Ben Stein, of "Win Ben Stein's Money" fame, apparently made this movie to expose the hidden agenda of many scientists and educators. Here is the link to the trailer.
The movie is called "Expelled" and though I do not know much more than what the trailer shows, and won't have time from today until next week (due to the awesome reality known as Holy Week) to research more about it, I think it calls to mind an important element of our modern society. What is the meaning of life? It is at the heart of every one of our existence's, whether we like it or not. No one of us can escape this question, because it leaves us indifferent to others and would ultimately allow us to become extremely lazy and also allow for violence of all sorts if we couldn't know the meaning of life.
For Catholics, of course, we know the meaning of life: Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, for many people that is so repugnant that they feel like they would rather eat something very unpleasant than listen to someone talk about this Jesus character. Why they feel this way is as varied as there are humans.
Nevertheless, logically speaking, we know that there can only be one Truth to the question of "what is the meaning of life?" Truth by its very definition is one.
I look forward to this movie and will definitely be going to see it as soon as it comes out. It will definitely allow Americans and more broadly english speakers to engage in a discussion that needs to be engaged in: Why are some scientists becoming unjustly hostile to religion?
I don't know how the Darwinists have overrun the culture, but they have done it. Now it only remains for them to realize that if they truly believe in Social Darwinism, then perhaps it would be useful to note that while the True Religion has taken a back seat in modern American Culture it is still around and appears more vital in some ways then ever. Hmmm... perhaps a proper role of religion should be allowed for, rather than squelched since it is not going away - in spite of the Neo-darwinists best efforts.
What are your thoughts?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Church in a cave?
I found this as well today. It is the story of a Cave Church in Turkey, which used to be known as Antioch waaaay back in the day. What day? The days of the Romans, and especially of the Apostles.
This Church is thought to have been made by St. Peter himself, our first Pope, and in some websites it is noted as the first Christian Church! At any rate, it is beginning to crumble, such does time have its effects on creation.
It makes one wonder whether there is any symbolic significance for the Holy Catholic Church of 2008? Now, some of our separated brethren might say, "Sure, it means that the Catholic Church is the "whore of babylon" which is misleading the people." For example, one thinks of the ridiculous Chick publications presentation of what the Catholic Church is supposedly doing to the world. In fact, the Catholic Church is not misleading the world, but still proclaiming the same message given in the very bible which she herself put together through her bishops, priests and faithful. By the way, you can find answers regarding those Chick Publications at the Catholic Answers website to which you can find a link here.
In spite of Mr. Chick, if he actually exists, there maybe some symbolic meaning to this ancient Church crumbling. It perhaps has more to do with the lack of faith of Catholics in today's world. If it is still true the 50% of American Catholics don't believe in the True presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist then it should give us cause to consider. How are we proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ within our own parish? How are we trying to help rebuild the Church in her faith, from which many people have left and continue to leave? What we must understand is that the Catholic Faith is not something we can come up with sitting on our couch watching Oprah or whatever. Each of us Christians must learn the Catholic Faith, in spite of what many of our separated brethren would have us believe about just accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. There are as well commandments we must learn and teachings of the Church that we must learn to obey, again not from fear but because of our real love and relationship for Jesus Christ who established the Catholic Church.
How could I be so arrogant though? How can I say that there are things we must learn if and when we claim to be Catholics? Well, it is very clearly laid out by Jesus himself in the Sacred Scriptures, namely in what is known as the Great Commission in Matthew 28:28-30: "Go, therefore,and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."
For us Catholics, we must know that we continue practicing our faith in the only Christian Church not established by a man, but established directly by Jesus on St. Peter, our first Pope and who, apparently, built the first Church in Antioch, which even now is beginning to crumble.
There is a real analogy to understand here: in our modern world we must help to rebuild the Church, but this is not saying in stone or in a cave, but in the hearts and minds of the people of our modern world. Whether the poor Cave Church of St. Peter survives is, in some way, immaterial to whether the Catholic Church will survive. Our Lord, Jesus, promised St. Peter that the gates of hell will not prevail against it, but he never said there wouldn't be struggles against hell. In fact, quite the contrary! Jesus says in Luke's Gospel (Lk 22:31-32) , "Simon, Simon, behold Satan has demanded to sift all of you like wheat,but I have prayed that your own faith may not fail; and once you have turned back, you must strengthen your brothers."
This leads me to conclude with this thought: Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia. This ancient Latin phrase reminds us that "Where Peter is, there is the Church." So while that ancient Church building is crumbling, the living Church continues to flourish, if we will accept it and live Her teachings even in our own lives. To this end, our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI will soon arrive on the soil of our beloved homeland to remind us of our true homeland - heaven - and to strengthen our belief in Jesus Christ who came into the world to lead us home. We can not go home any other way, but through our life in this world. May we never cease uniting ourselves to Jesus in all situations that we find ourselves in!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Did I miss my calling?
I don't think so, but I always find that as I prepare for the Easter Vigil I love to fanagle the Easter Vigil Program. There are so many things to communicate about what the Easter Vigil communicates to us.
In fact, Holy Mother Church refers to the Easter Vigil as the "Mother of all Vigils" because it is upon this night that all of vigils flow. It is hoped that we could pack the Church that evening, as we prepare for the Easter Vigil!
I often wonder about parishioners who place so many other things before Mass. In a recent article it was reported that the Bishops of Ireland are encouraging coaches, employers and parents to remember the spiritual needs of the Children. You can find the article here . In America, and even here at St. Jude it often seems that parishioners often place so many other things in front of their obligation for Sunday Mass. Somewhat more striking is that parents place sports or other things in front of the Religious Education of the children.
Now I certainly understand the need for sports, so too I might add does the Holy Father and by extension Holy Mother Church. Nevertheless, the above mentioned article reminds us of something that we so often forget: the spiritual NEEDS of our children. We may WANT our children to succeed in sports; we may WANT for them to gain money and to set out on their own; we may WANT for them to become independant of the family; we may WANT for them to make us proud in their various sports and school activities.
Nevertheless, none of these things are NEEDS, rather they are merely wants. What is most important in our children's lives? We should be able to answer clearly and readily: "For them to know love and serve God in this life, so that they can be eternally happy with him in the next." Why is this so important? Because the opposite is placing our children on a slow road to rebellion and indifference towards the Holy Catholic Faith - and more importantly towards Jesus himself.
When we begin to show the kids that going to sports or extracurricular school activities is on par with Religious Education, we just make our salvation on of many options which we can engage in. Think of that?! ONE OF MANY OPTIONS!? Is Heaven one of many options? Well, in fact, there are two options. Heaven or Hell. For his part, God Almighty did not create us for Hell - namely separation from the the Love of God. Rather God made us for Heaven, but he will never ever force us there. We must respond, we must manifest our desire, so that we might go to heaven.
When we give our kids the notion that Religious Education is one of many options we are really manifesting how we ourselves see our Holy Catholic Faith. It becomes neither Catholic nor holy. Instead, it becomes what has been called "Cafeteria Catholicism," to wit Protestantism.
The Catholic Faith is demanding, but why? Not because we are being hindered by God from doing what we like, but because when you love someone you really desire to have a relationship with him or her. How much more then is it necessary for us to understand our relationship with the Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity? It is a true relationship because we have been brought into the family of God by the freegift of our baptism. God has given us new life in Jesus Christ, and yet how much do we show our gratitude for this incredible gift of the new life which frees us from sin.
As we quickly approach the Easter Vigil, I hope that many parishioners of St. Jude begin to think about coming to the Easter Vigil. It is an incredibly beautiful 2-3 hour long lovesong about God's love for each of us, and for the world. If we can begin to see the Vigil this way, then we begin to see every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we attend in the same way. For Christ loved us so much that he stretched out his arms and showed us just how much he loved us upon the cross.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Colonialism and Fascism?
I have no idea what to make of this:
All I know is that it is pretty scary if any of this is true....
All I know is that it is pretty scary if any of this is true....
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Peace!? Not just for Catholics anymore?!
I have been reading Gaudium et Spes from Vatican II for the class I am teaching at the Seminary. In our last class we had read Pacem in Terris by John XXIII. What has struck me most is the Church's position on War - more specifically on peace. The Church is clear that disarmament is man's only recourse for a true and lasting peace. Yet if this is going to happen man must address the injustices that so many people endure.
In fact here is the quote from Gaudium et Spes #83:
83. In order to build up peace above all the causes of discord among men, especially injustice, which foment wars must be rooted out. Not a few of these causes come from excessive economic inequalities and from putting off the steps needed to remedy them. Other causes of discord, however, have their source in the desire to dominate and in a contempt for persons. And, if we look for deeper causes, we find them in human envy, distrust, pride, and other egotistical passions. Man cannot bear so many ruptures in the harmony of things. Consequently, the world is constantly beset by strife and violence between men, even when no war is being waged. Besides, since these same evils are present in the relations between various nations as well, in order to overcome or forestall them and to keep violence once unleashed within limits it is absolutely necessary for countries to cooperate more advantageously and more closely together and to organize together international bodies and to work tirelessly for the creation of organizations which will foster peace.
This afternoon, while taking a quick break, I came across this little ditty on Youtube, and I thought about the Church's teaching.
Then, a few minutes later I found this tidbit of information by a talk show host in the south:
It makes one wonder what has been the policy of our nation of which perhaps we have not truly seen the effects. To be clear, as I have said, I am sympathetic to Ron Paul. Nevertheless, in a recent speech given at the Arab American conference in Michigan, Dr. Paul has stated he is against the UN, something which John XXIII had supported in his 1963 Encyclical Pacem in Terris (especially #130-145).
However, one wonders with the increasing policy of international intervention of the UN organization, whether John XXIII would still support them, as his basic premise is that nations must retain their sovereignty and not be coerced into fraterntiy with other nations. Rather, all nations should have been encouraged to cooperate and to willfully enter into negotiations and peace agreements. They should never feel bullied by sanctions, but should be engaged in diplomacy. Oddly enough, that is precisely what Ron Paul has called for! Vote for who your conscience tells you, but be aware of their positions. Here is #141 of Pacem in Terris, which makes the point:
141. But it is no part of the duty of universal authority to limit the sphere of action of the public authority of individual States, or to arrogate any of their functions to itself. On the contrary, its essential purpose is to create world conditions in which the public authorities of each nation, its citizens and intermediate groups, can carry out their tasks, fullfill their duties and claim their rights with greater security. [emphasis added]
This is basically what the Church refers to in her Social Teaching as the Principle of Subsidiarity. Essentially, this is the same idea as not having the government come in and tell us how to raise our kids. The principle is: "a community of a higher order should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order, depriving the latter of its functions, but rather should support it in case of need and help to co-ordinate its activity with the activities of the rest of society, always with a view to the common good (CCC #1883)."
At the end of the day, my post today is about what? It is about the need for peace in the world. A peace which, may it please God, is still not that far away. It just takes men to be just and civil to one another, whether Christian, Muslim or President of any country! For this is the call of Christ to each of us: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. Not as the world gives it do I give it to you(Jn 14:27)." Nevertheless, Jesus desired and prayed to the father concerning all mankind to whom the Apostles were sent: "I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they may also be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me (Jn 17:21)."
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A new children's magazine ...for Catholics!
A parishioner just sent me a link to a new magazine that is hopefully soon to be published. You can find the link here. It comes from a magazine called St. Mary's Messenger, the link to that is here. I hope that it might be helpful to those of you with kids. I did find it quite interesting. They are hoping to be a sort of magazine that is like "Highlights." They are not yet published, but they are soon hoping to get enough subscriptions so if you are interested I would encourage you to look at this magazine and perhaps help them to get published so that there might be another option for kids, besides the secular magazines which ignore or at least are indifferent to our Christian Faith.
Monday, March 3, 2008
It must be said...
During the 1960's and 1970's there was a great movement to reject the Catholic Faith and replace it with a version created by humankind. This was primarily propagated by those who held so-called feminist ideologies. The problem behind such thinking is that one ultimately holds that one is able place one's own ideas over the faith handed on by Jesus Christ to his Apostles in the power and truth of the Holy Spirit. One who would go down this road is sure to have difficulty in returning to the revealed religion of the Catholic Faith. No one will be able to sit on their couch and come up with the integrality of the Catholic Faith. Why? Because it has been granted to mankind as a gift. As with all gifts one must accept it and not try recreate the gift. Why am I talking about all this? It's because of this article that appeared while I was gone for my Sister's funeral in California:
Holy See Rejects Feminist "Baptism"
Affirms That Church Must Follow Christ's Mandate
VATICAN CITY, FEB. 29, 2008 ( The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith clarified that two formulae for baptism that remove the masculine names for God are invalid and undermine faith in the Trinity.
The congregation's statement, made public today, responded to two questions concerning the validity of baptism conferred without referring to God the Father and Son.
The first question is: "Is a baptism valid if conferred with the words 'I baptize you in the name of the Creator, and of the Redeemer, and of the Sanctifier,' or 'I baptize you in the name of the Creator, and of the Liberator, and of the Sustainer'?"
The second question is: "Must people baptized with those formulae be baptized 'in forma absoluta'?"
The responses are: "To the first question, negative; to the second question, affirmative."
Benedict XVI, during a recent audience with Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved these responses, which were adopted at the ordinary session of the congregation. The Pope ordered their publication.
The text of the responses bears the signatures of Cardinal Levada and of Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the dicastery.
An attached note, signed by Monsignor Antonio Miralles, professor of dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Holy Cross University, explained that the responses "concern the validity of baptism conferred with two English-language formulae within the ambit of the Catholic Church. [...] Clearly, the question does not concern English but the formula itself, which could also be expressed in another language."
"Baptism conferred in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," the note continued, "obeys Jesus' command as it appears at the end of the Gospel of St. Matthew. [...] The baptismal formula must be an adequate expression of Trinitarian faith, approximate formulae are unacceptable."
"Variations to the baptismal formula -- using non-biblical designations of the Divine Persons -- as considered in this reply, arise from so-called feminist theology," being an attempt "to avoid using the words Father and Son which are held to be chauvinistic, substituting them with other names," the note clarified. "Such variants, however, undermine faith in the Trinity."
In a commentary on the responses, Cardinal Urbano Navarrete, former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, clarified: "The response of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith constitutes an authentic doctrinal declaration, which has wide-ranging canonical and pastoral effects. Indeed, the reply implicitly affirms that people who have been baptized, or who will in the future be baptized, with the formulae in question have, in reality, not been baptized.
"Hence, they must them be treated for all canonical and pastoral purposes with the same juridical criteria as people whom the Code of Canon Law places in the general category of 'non-baptized.'"
This implies that if they have received other sacraments, they are invalid as well and should be re-administered.
Pretty scary to think of the "bait and switch" job imposed on those poor kids who are not even baptized with this false form of baptism. What are your thoughts?
Holy See Rejects Feminist "Baptism"
Affirms That Church Must Follow Christ's Mandate
VATICAN CITY, FEB. 29, 2008 ( The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith clarified that two formulae for baptism that remove the masculine names for God are invalid and undermine faith in the Trinity.
The congregation's statement, made public today, responded to two questions concerning the validity of baptism conferred without referring to God the Father and Son.
The first question is: "Is a baptism valid if conferred with the words 'I baptize you in the name of the Creator, and of the Redeemer, and of the Sanctifier,' or 'I baptize you in the name of the Creator, and of the Liberator, and of the Sustainer'?"
The second question is: "Must people baptized with those formulae be baptized 'in forma absoluta'?"
The responses are: "To the first question, negative; to the second question, affirmative."
Benedict XVI, during a recent audience with Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved these responses, which were adopted at the ordinary session of the congregation. The Pope ordered their publication.
The text of the responses bears the signatures of Cardinal Levada and of Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the dicastery.
An attached note, signed by Monsignor Antonio Miralles, professor of dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Holy Cross University, explained that the responses "concern the validity of baptism conferred with two English-language formulae within the ambit of the Catholic Church. [...] Clearly, the question does not concern English but the formula itself, which could also be expressed in another language."
"Baptism conferred in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit," the note continued, "obeys Jesus' command as it appears at the end of the Gospel of St. Matthew. [...] The baptismal formula must be an adequate expression of Trinitarian faith, approximate formulae are unacceptable."
"Variations to the baptismal formula -- using non-biblical designations of the Divine Persons -- as considered in this reply, arise from so-called feminist theology," being an attempt "to avoid using the words Father and Son which are held to be chauvinistic, substituting them with other names," the note clarified. "Such variants, however, undermine faith in the Trinity."
In a commentary on the responses, Cardinal Urbano Navarrete, former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, clarified: "The response of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith constitutes an authentic doctrinal declaration, which has wide-ranging canonical and pastoral effects. Indeed, the reply implicitly affirms that people who have been baptized, or who will in the future be baptized, with the formulae in question have, in reality, not been baptized.
"Hence, they must them be treated for all canonical and pastoral purposes with the same juridical criteria as people whom the Code of Canon Law places in the general category of 'non-baptized.'"
This implies that if they have received other sacraments, they are invalid as well and should be re-administered.
Pretty scary to think of the "bait and switch" job imposed on those poor kids who are not even baptized with this false form of baptism. What are your thoughts?
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