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Monday, April 20, 2009

WARNING: video may be INAPPROPRIATE for minors

Are you kidding me...

This video is ridiculous. Why is this particular man deciding a beauty contest on political grounds? Who cares what a beauty contestant believes about this political issue. And why is this so-called reporter completely siding with this man? He argues that she would represent all Americans, and yet she is not going to be a political activist she would have been a beauty queen!!! Is this what passes for objective questions these days... on second thought that was going to be a question, but it is a statement: THIS IS what passes for journalism... Thanks NBC for brainwashing the country, and not staying objective.

So what if she misspoke about the legality of same-sex marriage? Why would one even ask the question!!!? Why is this political issue now being pushed on a beauty pageant, which by the way I could care less about anyway. Nevertheless, this "man" also is verbally beating up a woman. He says that she was "instantly divisive" and yet he is the one who poses a political question at a beauty pageant. Fair enough. But what was his response. He says nothing about how she stated her opinion, rather - listen carefully when he says, "I was not upset or frustrated about her disagreeing with me about gay marriage." In other words, she wasn't able to state her opinion without already being prejudged. Why is supporting traditional marriage ostensibly the reason this guy voted against her? In other words, why is a beauty queen being discriminated against for her thoughts? And further, this "man" is calling her a "B****" and a "C***" (apparently) because she "disagrees" with him. Is THIS what a passes for as a "man" these days? If women wonder why chivalry is dead, you need look no further than this woman reporter who basically implicitly is saying, "you are right."

This demonstrable political activist should have been banned from asking about this topic, it seems to me. I watched this "show" for about 4 minutes, and only because I was connecting my new DTV box. I couldn't bring myself to watch this ridiculous contest for too long anyway, but this definitely puts the nail in the coffin of my ever even thinking about watching it ever again.

One last note, why is this "celebrity blogger" even a judge? Is that the last leg this contest is on? You couldn't get someone who is even known, maybe a national commercial ad extra? Sorry Mr. Trump, but perhaps you should stick with "The Apprentice" and Real Estate.

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