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Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Return of Ron Paul...

at least to my blog anyway. History will reveal anything further.

However, I found this little video that is quite compelling:

The groundswell of support which Dr. Paul receives continues to interest me. I just finished his most recent book, "The Revolution: A Manifesto" and I would recommend it. He does lay out some serious arguements, which it is true that no one else is putting forward in today's political climate.

Again, I do not and will not recommend voting for any candidate, however I am entitled as an American Citizen to freely declare my sympathies. If you are a disgruntled Republican because of the presumptive nominee of your party, you might also be interested to know that there is still a movement afoot to redirect the Republican Party, which I had not heard of until I checked out this website (link here).

What an incredible time to live, hunh? The divisiveness within the Democratic Party, and the potential for a "rEVOLution" in the Republican party - which appears to be a mere return to party roots? These are interesting times indeed.

Finally, I checked out the whole "Google Trends" and Mr. Day is right! You can see it here.

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