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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sex, Lies and ... the Bible.

I have recently received an email-update from the website for the Population Research Institute. Though I am not sure how I got on their mailing list, I am thankful for some of the articles they send me. Today's article included this:

"Margaret Sanger is one of the pro-choice movement's iconic figures. She is extolled as a pioneering feminist, health worker, and woman's activist. Her quotes on these subject are treated as scripture. But she was also an outspoken supporter of eugenics, who wanted more children from the fit and sterilization, even segregation, for the unfit. The infamous Negro Project, which targeted Blacks for contraception and sterilization, was one outcome of this.

Planned Parenthood, of course, does not want you know these facts. So the organization works hard to burnish Sanger's reputation, and goes into damage control mode whenever questions are raised about her more unsavory views. At the same time, however, they continue to quietly practice what she preached."

I am struck by Margaret Sanger, who my wife has studied more extensively that I have. Ms. Sanger worked tirelessly to kill as many babies (or according to her thinking mere embryos) as she could and to leave a legacy that is sustained by her disciples. One wonders if each of us who call ourselves Christians will have such an impact?

The whole problem, of course, begins in the MZarital Act itself, of course. Without the virtue of chastity you have the problem of so-called "unwanted pregnancy." This is so striking because the problem of abortion begs the question of why does mankind feel the need to promote sex outside of a marriage where a baby would be wanted? I am also reading this month's This Rock magazine, in which there is an article entitled, "If you want Justice, work for Chastity." The basic premise of which is that the human body is not a mere instrument to be used for pleasure, but has our actions - especially our sexual actions - bear a more profound meaning of who we are as people. Particularly, the author notes, as regards our chastity. This is not something promoted or even mentioned in our modern culture - the virtue of chastity.

Chastity is seen as a hindrance to pleasure, when it is in fact the key to living a life of integrity. It is virtue that allows us to live more intensely and more intently. Chastity, however, is often reduced to mere control of lust which demeans the idea of it being a positive virtue. In other words, the virtue of chastity actually gives us more life, rather than merely restricting our sexuality. It is unfortunate that Ms. Sanger saw the world in terms of race and death, such that people were seen to be a hindrance to happiness, as Jean-Paul Sartre held.

For us Catholics, we must realize and strive to live the reality that sexuality is meant to be used in the appropriate avenues granted by God. Why? Because he is some mean guy who forces us to do things we don't want? No. It is because he is a loving Father who has revealed to us the truth about who we are, and how we can best come to fulfillment as human beings, but we must choose this narrow path. Jesus once said, "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter it are many. For the gate is narrow, and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few (Mt 7:13-14)." I think this is no where more clear than in the area of sexuality.

In our modern world, the lie that our bodies are a mere instrument of who we are has become the norm. Modern media promotes the idea that our body should be used as an instrument of our desire, when the wisdom of mankind - let alone the Catholic Faith for a second - tells us that we are more than mere desire. We have the ability to give ourselves to another with full purpose and intent, and the lessening of this makes us disintegrated and disheveled in our souls. Our Catholic Faith, however, fully helps us to appreciate the great gift of unity that God has revealed for us in Jesus Christ. That man and woman can unite fully in the Sacrament of Marriage is an incredible gift, and unfortunately, for those with homosexual desires, one which can not be fulfilled in same-sex relationships. God desires to consummate his love with our souls in the Holy Eucharist, similar to how a man and woman consummate their marriage and have the ability to bear children because of it. Our souls bear the gift of grace in the world however. Again, we must choose this narrow road. We must desire and seek Christ, and to live fully for him - even if this is an ongoing project.

May we never succumb entirely to the lie that the Catholic Church is outdated in her glorious teaching of our sexuality, for never will man be more fulfilled than in her sacred teachings which she has taught since the time of the apostles. Praise God that we should have such a rock to turn to! And finally, as I prepare to teach for the Catholic Biblical School here in Denver, I am struck by the incredible faithfulness of God which is revealed in the book of the Sacred Scripture. Just consider its been around for so long, and we have a chance to see God's heart by means of the writings there! May you seek him there!

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