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Monday, April 30, 2007

How will I know?

There are many things which people are busy with each day. But I have often wondered just how many, if any, people have visited my poor little blog. I know of two: my beloved wife and Jon-o. Perhaps there are more than I thought, but we shall soon find out as I have just added my little counter to the side there. (Of course, the better way would be to have someone or anyone add a comment by clicking on the "comment" tab at the end of this post!)

In more exciting news, it is always interesting to know about how things work. Today our budgets are being set for next year by our pastor. There are more things for which I am need of money next year, especially for the Elementary Religious Education program. I am hoping to add more classes for adults during the ERE class times. I think this would be quite useful for parents - as many people have not had the opportunity to engage the Catholic Faith at an adult level. I am going to be adding this question to my yearly survey for parents. I hope many will be interested in this idea for next year's program.

I also am hoping to increase opportunities for the older children to go out and live their faith here in Lakewood. I know that we can give the children more positive experiences of their Faith and help them to be proud to be Catholics who live for Jesus Christ. As I am now heading into my 4th year at the helm of the Elementary Rel. Ed. Dept. I am now going to focus on some more integral changes to helping the children gain a deeper appreciation of their faith. At least, this is my goal. Only time will tell if the resources and desire is there on the part of the parents of St. Jude.

If you, dear reader, happen to be a parent here, I hope that you will prayerfully consider whether you would be willing to re-engage the Catholic Faith at an adult level while your child(ren) are in class. I can guarantee that you will get much more out of the Catholic Faith when you approach it as an adult who wants to take it seriously and who wants to understand it. I can say this having seen many adults now come to the RCIA and engage the faith there. The Truths of the Catholic Church always can have a significant effect on those who are willing to hear Christ speaking to humanity through the 2000 year Tradition of the Catholic Church.

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