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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

When its fashionable to be a Catholic...

I don't know what to make of this story. (In case you were wondering, I have MSN Instant Messenger which provides many of the stories you see here when I sign on in the morning.) On the one hand, I can understand the Church officials who see this as a mockery of those who needlessly lost their lives because of the anti-Catholic government of Mexico. On the other hand, as St. Ignatius of Antioch would say, "The Blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." Why would we hide away merely because someone killed our Catholic brothers and sisters.

I love that the statue in the back of our St. Jude Church (and the one used for RCIA) carries his club with him. Taunting the world! "You can take my earthly life, but my divine life in Christ continues on! HA HA!" So too, I imagine, do the modern martyrs, such as those killed in Mexico during the Cristero Uprising.

One of my favorites of that time is Fr. Michael Pro. There are many good stories about him, but I think the most powerful is his death: He stood arms outstretched before the firing squad and yelled, "Viva Cristo Rey!" - translation = Long live Christ the King. Then, they shot him. What a way to go! I only wish I could be so convicted. He actually did everything possible to continue his priestly duties in the face of the persecution Catholics in Mexico were facing.

The major question I ask myself: Could the American Church give birth to such martyrs? Or would we flee that cross if offered to us? Does the American Church have the, to use a phrase, "huevos" to stand up for Christ? I truly hope that kind of test doesn't come, as the Lord himself told his Apostles, "Pray that you may not undergo the test! (Lk 22:46)" However, I only pray that if it doesn't that you and I have the chutzpah to live for Him in all other things. And I beg you, pray for me that I too have such guts. For this truly is the stuff American Saints are made of.

Ven. Solanus Casey, Pray for us!

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