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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A time for us is a time for the Lord.

There are so many things in our live which we take for granted. We often pass by the daily things of our lives with disregard, because we seen them so often. For many of us in our modern day, we can think of all those email addresses we have stored up in our email accounts - especially those of which are our friends whom we haven't spoken to in a while.

I just recently got onto because two of my dear priest friends (one of whom is above in the picture) from England had sent me an invitation. I had missed talking with them, so I thought it might be good to connect with them. This last weekend as I was at the Franciscan University, a very dear friend of mine explained some of the intricacies of Facebook which are very exciting for connecting with old friends. You have to love technology and the way it can connect us to people.

Another friend, however, pointed out that he didn't want anything to do with this technology. I think one of his points was that it was hard enough keeping in contact with the people just in his local area. How in the world could he keep in contact with so many people all at once! Though I tend to disagree with this, I do think he has a point.

It was St. Francis of Assisi who is quoted as saying, "Do few things, but do them well." I think that is clearly some very good wisdom. Precisely because we can often try to do too much at once. Nevertheless, it seems to me that things like instant messengers and can be a way to really connect with people and to be reminded of friends that one has lost touch with.

In a similar vein, we can consider the practice of our Catholic Faith. There is so much about being a Catholic that many of us forget about. With 2000 years of Christian practice and devotional traditions which have sprung up from various corners of the planet earth, there is much to know and be reminded of. Nevertheless, there are many things about our Catholic Faith that we can always learn more deeply about. I think no greater physical example exists than sacramentals - things like saint medals, scapulars, holy cards, images, or icons. These sorts of holy reminders help us to think about the fact that if and when we get to heaven, we won't be alone. We will in fact be there with all the saints and all those who have lived a life pleasing to God.

Like, I think it is often helpful to be reminded of the many many saints who are in heaven because in each of our lives, one or two or more have been intimately involved with their intecessory prayers before the Throne of Christ. Who among us can't use more friends whose only goal is to get us to heaven?!

The Book of Sirach says, "A faithful friend is sturdy shelter, and he who finds one has found a treasure (Sir 6:14)." Note that the scripture says "one." I had a conversation recently about that, some of us may not have even found one whom we can say is "faithful." I don't think it is wrong to beg heaven for such a friend. I pray that in all my friendships I can be faithful, I know I am not perfect, but I am trying. In fact, I have a friend who, though not Catholic, has been amazing about acknowleding my birthday every year since 1991! I am lucky if I remember to send an email once a year to her. But I think we both desire that our friendship will never be lost for the formative years that we shared together.

I pray that in the midst of our busy world, this post might invite you to consider who are those faithful friends that are the treasures in your life? But like all things, may we look beyond the gift to the giver of these gifts. Let each of us thank our Lord Jesus Christ for all that He gives to us in our friends - and if not the friends of this life, then even more profoundly in the Saints of Heaven who beckon us to their Lord and Friend, Jesus Christ. For after the spiritual war of this life we pray will be united in the Glory of the Lord and with all the Angels and Saints, and those loved and those lost. May each of us thank God for all the many treasures we have received.

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