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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Challenges of Life

I have often struggled with how much to change things here at the parish. One of the practices that has been handed down to me is that the children have been used to calling teachers by their first name. In our third grade book however, it makes the point that speaking to others who are elders with respect means calling them by their proper titles, i.e. Mr., Ms., Mrs., Fr., or Br. or Sr.

In our modern day, this is something which seems to be a struggle. In fact, going to the Franciscan University of Steubenville I often recall some of the Vocation Awareness days and we had priests, Jesuits in particular, who would show up and ask that we call them "Gary" or "Bob" or whatever. In reality, even then I knew, they are to be referred to as Father Gary or Father Bob. It is not because of Bob or Gary or whoever that I use this title of respect, rather the divine office which they have been entrusted with is the reason for the respect they ought to be shown.

Yet even in our own day we have such a witness of the lack of respect that is shown even amongst presidential candidates. If you have read my previous posts, then you are aware that I am sympathetic to Dr. Ron Paul. But regardless of this I find this YouTube video of an radio show in Florida particularly disturbing. Listen to this (but please note the Radio host uses some colorful language that may not be appropriate for kids):

There is much to say about this interview politically, but that is not my field. I do want to address the disrespect that Gov. Romney shows to a gentleman who is his elder and, as well, who is also a candidate for the United States of America. Not only does this remind me of the topic I spoke of above about using proper titles, but it also reminds me that we seem to be devolving from the respect we should show those who are our elders - especially not laughing at them, but considering that they may have some wisdom to share with us.

Along this same line, it is unfortunate the we have a candidate who would laugh at the belief of the candidate who has raised the most money from private donors and who is supported by a number of people from Gov. Romney's own Republican base. Where has respect gone in this country?

I find it interesting that a friend of mine told me that Glenn Beck, famous radio show host, was concerned when Ron Paul had said on his TV show that if we got rid of the income tax that the government would still take in what it took in 10 years ago! He was shocked, after looking into it, that Dr. Paul was absolutely right! You can find the interview here, albeit with some pretty outlandish visual additions of Sen. Clinton, but nevertheless the audio is what is important here. Mr. Beck makes his point at 4:26 in this audio track (with outlandish picture additions):

However, regardless of this reality, Mr. Romney is laughing at a position which is different than his own. I have difficulty wanting to vote for Gov. Romney when this is the case. Just as much, do I have difficulty when Sen. McCain has sneered repeatedly at the answers given by Dr. Paul throughout the debates - at least the ones Dr. Paul was actually invited to and given time to speak. Nevertheless, I at least will give, as the kids say these days, "props" to Mayor Giuliani when he can at least recognize that Dr. Paul actually won all the debates.

While I struggle with how to make St. Jude a more respectful Religious Education program and how to implement that charitably, I am encouraged to overcome my lethargy in this sign of our modern times. I know that I am not perfect, though I continue to try, its just that some battles seem harder to fight than others. I think you can probably understand this in your own life.

Regardless of all of this, I am very thankful that I have received the gift of life from the one living and true Triune God who has shown me His love in our Lord Jesus Christ. Now if only I can just get out of the way to let him work in me.

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