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Thursday, September 4, 2008

I can't understand it...

There are actually Catholics that I am aware of, and I am sure others are too, who really think that Barack Obama is a good choice for president. There is no more foundational issue, though definitely not the only issue, that must be considered in making such a claim than Senator Obama's seemingly wanton desire to allow any inconvenient unborn human life to be destroyed. Consider this video:

Regardless, of politics, the desire to destroy human life is an affront to humanity - much like the German National Socialists of the late 1930's-40's, aka the Nazi's. I am NOT saying that Obama is a Nazi, but whether he is a socialist appears to be demonstrable and has purportedly been shown by people much more adept at political ideologies that me. Regardless of these political accusations and labels, one must understand that life is being destroyed at an alarming rate. The respect and dignity of human life is being subsumed under the mantle of convenience. As Catholics we cannot support mankind's murdering of innocent children under the guise of "choice." We each must inform our conscience and consider the gravity of what we are voting for. As Archbishop Chaput says in his new book, could a person who votes for such a pro-abortion candidate, such as Barack Obama, look those aborted children in the eye when they meet them at the Last Judgement?

As far as politics go, here is Glenn Beck's understanding of Obama:

If you want Obama's own words about forcibly redistributing wealth, as the Socialists would suggest we do, listen to his own words about so-called "fairness":

It is amazing to me that some Catholics will actually vote for this man. Mind you, I can't say that I am necessarily saying vote for John Mccain. In fact, I have been kind of interested in the Constitutionalist Party myself. Nevertheless, I am so disheartened once again that as a country we have allowed ourselves to be submersed into the banter of a two party system. My personal opinion is that we should have a third party (and a fourth and fifth) come forward which allows us the opportunity to vote amongst real choices. We should not settle for merely two choices, as if all of the issues fit squarely into these two parties. But such is America in these days, and if it is to change each of us must truly seek to vote our consciences rather than vote for party affiliations.

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