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Monday, September 15, 2008

What is happening to America...

If found this video on Youtube (its about 20 min long):

There are many things wrong with this video. But the least of which is that Barack Obama appears to be ok with dealing with the Tragedy of a teenager becoming pregnant, but seems unconcerned with the unborn girls and boys who are being surreptitiously murdered because they have become inconvenient. The Senator appears to believe teaching kids how to have sex properly is the wise thing to do? Yet he fails to pass the common sense test which tells us that doing that is about as wise as giving a teen a firecracker and a match and saying, "Don't light it." A further shocking reality is that Sen. Obama praises Margaret Sanger, who history shows us, was an avowed racist and demonstrably set up planned parenthood to destroy black babies primarily. Take for example this article from the Life Education and Resource Network.

But here are some more truths about Barack Obama's beloved Planned Parenthood:

A friend of mine, who works somewhere in the halls of the great State of Colorado, received this - what appears to be - a newsletter. In it she was directed to this "exemplary" article entitled: "Abortion should be mandatory for pregnant teens."

What have we become in America? I am shocked that we neither know history, and have lost all common sense when certain people would have us become the Nazi state or even the Communist state of China where abortion is meant to be imposed on those over whom "we know better." What happened to freedom and responsibility?

Take for example this statement at the end of the article:

"Congress should act to protect these kids from themselves: Ban teen marriage, mandate teen abortion."

Seriously, mandate that innocent human beings be murdered? Why? Because of inconvenience? Is this not the same arguement made by the Nazi's!!!! IS ANYONE LISTENING OUT THERE!?

"Dude, have you seen my country?"

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